Holistic Happiness Club

Boost Your Energy Naturally! | Everyday Non-Food Sources | Holistic Happiness Club | EP 48

May 14, 2024 Akshay Tiwari Season 1 Episode 48
Boost Your Energy Naturally! | Everyday Non-Food Sources | Holistic Happiness Club | EP 48
Holistic Happiness Club
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Holistic Happiness Club
Boost Your Energy Naturally! | Everyday Non-Food Sources | Holistic Happiness Club | EP 48
May 14, 2024 Season 1 Episode 48
Akshay Tiwari

Welcome to another invigorating episode of the Holistic Happiness Club with your host, Akshay Tiwari. Today, we're diving deep into the transformative world of non-food energy sources that are vital for sustaining a vibrant lifestyle. Discover the power of sunlight as an essential energy booster and its impact on health, backed by both modern science and ancient wisdom. We'll also explore how physical activity isn't just about burning calories—it's a fundamental key to energizing your body and mind. Join us as we discuss the underrated benefits of social interactions, the emotional uplift from music, and the profound effects of deep breathing, meditation, and mindfulness on your overall energy levels. Whether you're looking to enhance your physical vitality or elevate your mental state, this episode is packed with actionable insights to help you feel more energetic and fulfilled in your daily life. Don't miss out on these life-enhancing tips designed to fuel your journey towards holistic happiness. Tune in now to harness these everyday energy givers and transform the way you power through your day!

#EnergyLifestyle #HolisticWellness #NaturalHealthBoost #EnergizeYourLife #MindfulnessEveryday #LiveEnergetically #HolisticEnergy #WellbeingJourney #MindBodySpirit #HealthInnovations #SunshineVibes #PhysicalHealthFocus #SocialWellbeing #MoodBoosters #DailyMeditation #StressFreeLiving #HappyHealthyLife #HealthPodcaster #VitalityBoost #WellnessAdvocate

Keywords: Energy Boosters, Holistic Health, Sunlight Benefits, Physical Activity, Mental Wellness, Meditation, Deep Breathing Techniques, Happiness Tips

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Show Notes Transcript

Welcome to another invigorating episode of the Holistic Happiness Club with your host, Akshay Tiwari. Today, we're diving deep into the transformative world of non-food energy sources that are vital for sustaining a vibrant lifestyle. Discover the power of sunlight as an essential energy booster and its impact on health, backed by both modern science and ancient wisdom. We'll also explore how physical activity isn't just about burning calories—it's a fundamental key to energizing your body and mind. Join us as we discuss the underrated benefits of social interactions, the emotional uplift from music, and the profound effects of deep breathing, meditation, and mindfulness on your overall energy levels. Whether you're looking to enhance your physical vitality or elevate your mental state, this episode is packed with actionable insights to help you feel more energetic and fulfilled in your daily life. Don't miss out on these life-enhancing tips designed to fuel your journey towards holistic happiness. Tune in now to harness these everyday energy givers and transform the way you power through your day!

#EnergyLifestyle #HolisticWellness #NaturalHealthBoost #EnergizeYourLife #MindfulnessEveryday #LiveEnergetically #HolisticEnergy #WellbeingJourney #MindBodySpirit #HealthInnovations #SunshineVibes #PhysicalHealthFocus #SocialWellbeing #MoodBoosters #DailyMeditation #StressFreeLiving #HappyHealthyLife #HealthPodcaster #VitalityBoost #WellnessAdvocate

Keywords: Energy Boosters, Holistic Health, Sunlight Benefits, Physical Activity, Mental Wellness, Meditation, Deep Breathing Techniques, Happiness Tips

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Hello and welcome back to another

episode of Holistic Happiness Club.

And this episode is the extension of the last one.

In the last episode.

If you have heard that, we have talked about

the things, everyday things that takes away your energy

and that's why you should avoid having them in

your routine and at least you should try to

minimize those things in your daily routine.

And this episode we are going to talk

about the things that gives us the energy

that are not food and water, of course.

Alright, we all know that food

and water gives us the energy.

So there are couple of other

things that gives us energy.

So what are those everyday thing that can give us the

energy and we must have those things in our routine.

At least few of them should, we should have and

we should try to have almost all of them.

Alright, so this is what the today's episode all about.

But before we begin on today's episode,

I want to say thank you.

I want to express my gratitude to each and

every one of you who has chosen to tune

into holistic happiness club and learn something new.

And I'm so, so grateful that so many of you

choose to tune into holistic happiness club every single week.

Your investment of time is the fuel, is the motivation

for me to, to keep on going and produce more

and more meaningful content every other week so that I

can reach to you and so that I can reach

to more and more people and provide some meaning to

their life, some meaning to their day.

And I can return their investment of time in

the form of some value, some valuable content. Right?

So thank you so much.

Thank you so much for spending your time.

Next, half an hour or 45

minutes with me in this episode.

Without further delay, let's dive into the topic.

Hi, my name is Akshay Tiwari.

I'm a holistic happiness coach, author of the book

named Usher and the founder of Holistic Happiness Club.

Holistic Happiness Club is the place

where we talk about happiness holistically.

We understand that happiness is not a

single faceted thing, it's a multifaceted thing.

And that's why happiness needs to be

looked at holistically and in that fashion

where each and everything is considered connected.

Each and everything in our life

is connected to our happiness.

Each and everything affects our

success, our happiness, our mood.

And that's why we talk about each and everything

that connects our happiness, our relationship, our wealth, our

success, our social activity and everything else.

Our growth, personal growth, spiritual growth.

And we consider that every topic is going to affect our

happiness in one part or the other part in our life.

More about me and more about college tech

Happiness club and how you can benefit from

this at the end of the episode.

But for now, let's dive into the topic.

Alright, so let's begin with the topic of the day.

Everyday things that gives us the energy and

that we must have in our routine. Alright?

So the first thing that tops the list is sunlight.

Sun is the source of all kind

of energy in on this planet earth.

Every creature, every living being, every living

organism, whether it's plant, whether it is

animals, birds, everything will collapse in a

second if sun is not there.

So in a way, sun gives the

energy to each and everything, right?

Sun gives the energy to plants, and animals eat plants,

we eat plants and we also eat animals sometimes.

And animals also eat animals.

So more or less, basically every kind of energy comes

from sun in one way or the other, roughly speaking.

So sun is the source of all kind of energy.

So for us also, it is very, very true that

without sunlight we will not be able to survive.

And sunlight is a kind of a very, you know, you can

say that it's a different kind of source of energy for us.

There is a scientific backup as well.

But let's go back in time a

little bit and understand what ayurveda and

ancient Indians used to say about sunlight.

So we Indians worship sun as God because it is the

God that gives all of us the life and the energy.

So sun is a God for indian. Now.

Now, Ayurveda says that it drives all kind

of agni means fire on this planet, right?

So the fire which is inside us, the digestive

fire, the thoughts means fire element represents the every

kind of transformation that is happening everywhere on this

planet and also within our body.

So what kind of transformation

is happening within our body?

That is like when we eat food, it

gets converted into energy, it gets converted into

skin cells and different kind of cells of

our body, different organisms, organs like heart, liver

cells, skin cells, hair, nails and everything else.

So all these kind of transformation

is happening within our body.

And when we see something, when we hear

something, we take all kind of information and

we create some, you know, some knowledge out

of that information, out of those inputs.

So all that kind of transformation

is happening because of some fire.

And sun regulates the fire, this planet.

That's what Ayurveda believes.

In a rough sense, I am speaking broadly speaking.

Alright, so what is science says about,

modern science says about it that sunlight

helps us making our own vitamin D.

And vitamin D is something that, that's a

vitamin that is involved in so many processes

and also which is involved in the processes

which, which are related to metabolism.

And also the, it helps in releasing serotonin.

So it is something that provides energy and it

also pro, it also helps to regulate our mood.

Also neuroscience that science proves that

sunlight regulates our circadian, circadian rhythm.

So when it regulates our circadian rhythm, it is,

you know, providing us the wakefulness during the daytime

so that we can be more alert, more focused,

we can drive and, you know, we can focus

on our energy on some particular thing.

And that's why, that's how we can

feel more energetic and that's how we

can get more things done using sunlight.

And it's, it's also, sun also

helps us sleep better at night.

And let me give you a pro tip

here that it all happens when we are

exposed to sunlight during the morning hours.

Rest of the day also helps, but not

in a way that morning sunlight can.

Afternoon sunlight in many parts of the world,

it can be very, very harsh, right?

So morning sunlight is something that we

all should try to soak for.

So this is how sunlight works, okay?

And also, as I said, that it

helps us sleep better at night.

So when we are sleep, when we're sleeping better,

we are resting better, we are detoxing better, we

are regulating our many, many systems better.

And that also helps to have to feel more

energy and have more energy during the day.

So sunlight is something that tops the list

and because of all good reasons, right?

It gives you energy, it regulates your mood,

it makes you feel better, it makes you

feel happy, it helps regulate your mood and

it helps regulate your circadian rhythm.

It, it also, there are so many health

benefits as well in the long run. Alright?

So there are so many research paper that

has been published how sunlight can help heal

so many things in our body.

So all in all, in so many ways,

sunlight keeps us healthy and provides us more

and more energy and makes us feel happy.

So this is the number one thing that provides

us the energy beyond food and water, sunlight.

Second thing is no brainer, physical activity.

Now, few of you might say

that physical activity takes energy.

How does it give energy?

Yes, it takes energy and it also gives

the energy because it improves the blood circulation.

And when blood circulation improves, that delivers more

oxygen to the tissues and that delivers more

nutrients to the tissues and that results in

better mitochondrial functions and better ATP synthesis in

the cells, which means more energy.

Cells feels, cells feel more energy.

So it is like saying that we have

that reserve of energy, or you can say

the raw material for energy in our cells.

And when we do physical activity, that raw

material gets converted into actual energy, alright?

So we have that.

We have energy in our body, but to activate that, but

to feel that we need to do some physical activity also.

Physical activity stimulate the release

of endorphins, dopamine and serotonin.

So these are the neurotransmitter

that regulates our mood also.

And they also help, I mean, they also are

involved in feeling more alert and providing us engaging

in the functions that, that, that produces more energy.

So all in all, these physical activity help

us, you know, get, you know, get more,

get better blood circulation and delivers, delivering more

oxygen to the tissues in return.

Feeling more energetic, feeling

better, feeling happier.

So this is the second thing that

comes into the list, physical activity.

And before I go to the third thing in

this list that provides us more energy, I have

a special request to all of you.

So if you are enjoying this content, if you

think that this content is valuable, I have a

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So because itunes and Spotify are the platform where you can

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And I want to, I want my

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I want my content to reach more and more people

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So if you know someone that to whom this

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This, that's the biggest help.

That's the biggest thing that I can ask from you.

Thank you so much for providing us the support so far.

Thank you.

And let's continue.

The third thing that is, that is in the list

that provides us the energy is social interaction, which means

we need to go out and mingle with people.

Now, it's a bad news for introverts, but it, let

me make it a little bit more simplified, that you

necessarily don't need to meet hundreds of people every day.

What I mean by social interaction is by, you

know, having few people in your circle with whom

you meet and greet on a regular basis. Right.

So why, why social interaction?

How it gives us the energy, because when we

interact socially, so we need to see one thing

that, that humans has, over time, evolved socially.

We have not been evolved individually a lot of

us may feel that we are introverted, we don't

like too much of crowd, but we cannot disregard

this, that we need few other human to function.

We need few more people with whom we

can, you know, spend our life with.

For some people it can be hundreds of them and

for some people it can be handful of them.

That's all right.

But we want a society, we want a group, we

want peers with whom we can, you know, celebrate, with

whom we can feel sad or share our things.

Happy or sad doesn't matter.

So that is why social interaction, this

is the part of our evolution.

That is how humans have been evolving over

the thousands of years or over lakhs of

years, you know, hundreds of thousands of years.

So how this social interaction gives us

the energy, so it, it stimulates the

release of oxytocin, dopamine and in endorphins.

So these are the neurotransmitters.

These are the things that helps you get more

energy, that, that regulates your mood, that motivates you.

So when these things motivate you, give you more

energy and regulate your mood, of course you will

feel happier, you will feel more focused, and you

will, you will feel more driven.

And of course this provides more energy to

you because these neurotransmitters are something that engages

in the activity, that produces more energy.

Also, on a psychological basis, this social interaction

provides emotional support and boost your mood.

Also, one of the primary feeling

of humans is to feel belonged.

To feel that we belong somewhere,

that we are important somewhere.

So this social interaction that, that, this invokes

that feeling of, you know, belonging, we feel

important in one, in our own group.

Important distinction here, that you need to interact with

people who makes you laugh, who makes you feel

motivated, where you feel that you belong.

It is Your group. It is.

These are Your peers, right? It is.

Needless to say, but it's common sense.

If you are, if you're going with the people

who are dragging you down, who are making you

feel meaningless, of course it will be counterproductive.

It will not give you energy.

It will suck your energy.

On the contrary. Right?

So if you, your social interaction should be

in a way that you feel better with

people with whom you feel better with.

With whom you feel motivated.

Driven, right?

So that should be your social group

that will provide you more energy.

Next thing is music.

We all know that, that music has

the power to change our state.

If somebody is feeling sad or somebody is feeling happy,

and if you will give him the music of the

others, other side or other state, it can invoke those

emotions, those feelings that can reverse what you are feeling.

So we can use and we can leverage

the power of music in our advantage.

You know, this upbeat music that

can activate some brain reasons that

are involved in reward processing, right?

So music can also stimulate the

release of dopamine and norepinephrine.

So these are the neurotransmitter that helps

you, you know, focus and concentrate.

Also they feel, make you feel

better, make you feel happy.

Alright, so music, all in all, we all

know that it has the power to invoke

emotions and it can shift modes and state.

Because I feel that with songs and with music, we often

relate some of the memories and music, although it is a,

it is audio thing, but it is very, very visual.

Whenever, whenever we hear any music, whenever we hear any

song, it creates so many memories in our brain, in

our mind, and somewhere we all connect our songs and

music with some or the other memory.

So when we hear those songs,

it can bring back those memory.

And so if we, if we hear songs that can

bring back the good kind of memory, so that can

make us feel driven, that can make us feel motivated

and that can make us feel more pumped up.

And also, as I said, the science

explains that it helps stimulate the release

of dopamine and, and, and norepinephrine.

So that gives you more energy, it can

help shift your mood and state as well.

So music has that power.

You can leverage the power of music.

And the last, and of course not the least, these are

the best thing that you can have in your daily routine.

It can give you more energy, it can make

you more happy, it can help you in being

more focused, it can help you being more successful,

it can help you feeling more healthy.

And being more healthy.

It can help you release the stress and anxiety

and so, so many benefits these things can provide.

And that's why I have kept the best for the last.

These things are deep

breathing, meditation and mindfulness.

These are something that will alleviate, alleviate

your, you know, elevate your sorry.

It will eliminate your stress, it will help you focus.

And deep breathing, as we know that, you know, it

will not only give you more oxygen and it will

deliver more nutrients, nutrients to your cell, but also it

will, will help you relax and feel calm.

And at any given moment in the day or

any time, whenever you are feeling stressed, you can

deep breathe and you can have a deep inhale,

the full inhale, and a longer and deeper exhale.

And that will instantly make you feel calm.

That's the power of deep breathing. Right?

And similarly, I mean, I cannot go on and explain

this, the benefits of deep breathing in just one episode.

I have talked about it earlier and

I'll keep on talking about it.

This is the favorite tool of my deep breathing.

It can help you relax, it can make you,

you know, eliminate the stress and manage your stress.

It can help you feel calm, it can give you

more energy, it can, you know, it can do so

many things, and so does meditation and so does mindfulness.

It will relax your mind, it will relax your body,

it can help you get rid of so many illnesses,

it can help get rid of so many problems in

your body, it can make you more healthy.

And of course in return, that

will also make you more energetic.

So these are the things, these are four

or five things that I have listed down.

These are the things that are not food or water, but

they give you the energy that you need to succeed, to

be more happy, to be more productive, to be stress free.


So hope you have enjoyed the topic of the day.

So here we have come to the

end of the topic of the day.

But before we wrap up our episode, I want to invite

all of you to become a member of Holistic Happiness Club.

It's free and you can join us and

be a member of Holistic Happiness Club.

And there are so many perks of being a

member of holistic Happiness Club and that you will

get to know once you will become the member.

So please become the member of Holistic Happiness Club.

It's free.

So it's a no brainer to become

a member of Holistic Happiness Club.

There is a link which is given in

the description, so please follow that link and,

and you can join holistic Happiness club. All right.

And next thing is that I have written an ebook.

The title of the ebook is the Happiness

Blueprint, practical strategies for achieving fulfilled life.

It's a pocket size ebook full of practical

things, full of actionable things that you can

take action from today itself right now and

you can start feeling the change, right?

So it's a very handy book full

of things that are practical and actionable.

So I urge and I request all of

you that you grab your copy today and

the link to download that happiness blueprint.

The e book is also given in the description.

So please go ahead and download your copy

and start making change in your life.

Also, if you want to book a one to one call

with me, a strategy call, if you want to understand what

is stopping you from being more happy and more successful, then

you can book a one to one call with me.

We will discuss one to one and we will try

to find out that what is becoming a roadblock for

you, what is not working out for you and what

is the strategy that you can follow in order to

be more happy and more successful.

So to book the call, there is another link that

is given that is also given in the description.

You can follow that link and book a

one to one call with me directly. Alright.

If you want to connect with me

on social media, Instagram is the place.

Because I'm most active on Instagram.

happinessarchitect is my Instagram handle.

And if you want to check out my

website, akshayatiwari.in is my website.

Please go ahead and check it out.

So with that, we have come to the end of the episode.

Till the time we are seeing each other again,

stay well, stay happy, stay healthy wherever you are.

Take care of you.

Take care of your loved one, take

care of the people around you.

And always remember, happiness is a lifestyle.

Stay well. God bless you. Bye bye and peace.