Holistic Happiness Club

Facing Life’s Hardest Realities: Time, Loss, and Tough Choices | Holistic Happiness Club | EP 64

September 02, 2024 Akshay Tiwari Season 1 Episode 64

In this episode of the Holistic Happiness Club, we dive deep into five more harsh truths of life that we all must face—sooner or later. From accepting that time is limited to dealing with personal loss and making tough decisions, this episode is packed with insights on how to navigate life’s hardest challenges. Learn why perfection is impossible, how to prioritize your time, and the importance of owning your happiness. Don’t let life’s uncertainties hold you back—discover practical strategies for embracing change, overcoming setbacks, and finding inner peace in the midst of life’s chaos.

Key topics include:

  • How to deal with loss and grief in a healthy way
  • The secret to managing time effectively and avoiding distractions
  • Why you need to stop chasing perfection and focus on progress
  • Strategies for making tough decisions when both choices seem right
  • How to take responsibility for your own happiness

Tune in for actionable tips and real-life wisdom that can help you face life’s toughest realities with confidence and clarity.

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✅  About Holistic Happiness Club:
My Channel is about Holistic Happiness. 

I come up with the topics I think are necessary for 360 degrees of happiness; when I say holistic happiness or 360-degree happiness, it includes health, Success, career, work life, social life, and every other aspect of life. I focus on mental health primarily, but mental health cannot be excluded from any aspect of life.

So, my focus is Happiness, which includes not only positive psychology like gratitude, mindfulness, surrender, forgiveness, letting go, etc., but also your success in life, be it in your career or anything else that you consider a success. I believe Happiness can only be inclusive.

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Hello and welcome back to another

episode of Holistic Happiness Club.

This episode is the extension of the last episode.

In the last episode, we talked about five harsh truths of

life and how we are going to deal with those truths.

They are going to happen to us sooner or later.

So how we are going to deal with them.

So in this episode, we are going to pick five, another

five harsh truths of life and we are going to see

how we are going to deal with those things.

Because like the last ones, these things are also

going to happen to us sooner or later.

At some point in time, at some point in

our life, they are going to happen to us.

So it's better to be prepared to face those things

than being sorry at the later point in time.

So we will dive into the content, we will

dive into these five harsh truths of life.

But before we get into that, I just want

to say thank you so much for carving some

time out and deciding that you are going to

spend next few minutes with holistic happiness club.

And a special, special thank you to each

one of you who decide to tune into

holistic happiness club every single week.

It's your commitment of time, it's your investment

of time to holistic happiness club that is

the fuel, that is the motivation behind me

and holistic happiness club that we come up

with something interesting every single week.

So please keep up your support like you have always been,

and I will try my best to give you the best

value of your time invested in holistic happiness club.

So without further delay, let's get into the topic.

Hi, my name is Akshay Tiwari.

I'm a holistic happiness coach, author of the book

named Usher, and the founder of Holistic Happiness Club.

Holistic Happiness Club is the place

where we talk about happiness holistically.

We understand that happiness is

not a single faceted thing.

It's a multifaceted thing.

And that is why it needs to be treated

from a 360 degree perspective, from a holistic perspective.

So everything that is there in our life,

at everything that touches our life, is.

Is part of our happiness.

Be it our health, be it

our wealth or success or relationships.

Anything that is there in our

life is part of our happiness.

And that is why we need to take a closer

look in each and every area of our life.

And that's why in holistic happiness club,

we talk about everything that can and

that is part of our happiness.

More about me and more about holistic happiness

club at the end of the episode.

But for now, sit back, relax, and enjoy this episode.

All right, so begin.

Let's begin with the topic of the day.

And as I said, it's an

extension of the previous episode.

So in the previous episode we have

looked into five harsh truths of life.

And if you have not checked that episode out, I highly

recommend that you go back and check that episode out.

This is full of wisdom nuggets.

And in this episode, again, we are going to look

at five more truths that are going to happen.

That five more things, five more realities of life that

are going to happen to us sooner or later.

Today or tomorrow, it is going to happen to us.

So it's better that we be

prepared to face those situation.

So first of those, or you can say 6th because

in the last episode we have covered last five.

So 6th or the first for

today is perfection is not possible.

See, we have all heard this

phrase that perfection is not possible.

But, but still we get caught into this

trap that when things are right, when situations

are right, when things are according to me,

then I will start doing something.

When I have enough time, I will start going to gym.

When I am having less responsibility,

I will start another business.

When I am having money, I will start another.

Some social service or something.

So we get caught in this trap time and again.

So we need to remind ourselves

that perfection is not possible.

The conditions are never going to be ideal.

What you can do is you can start right now and figure

out all the rest of the things as you move forward.

See, when we go on a trip, when we go for

our destination, when we go for a road trip, alright, so

what we do, we do not wait at our home.

That when all the signals are

green, I will start driving.

We start driving.

And on the way we find and

we maneuver from the problems we see.

There is a red, red light.

We stop the car, we take a break and then we go ahead.

When we get tired, we stop at some place on

the highway, some, some drive thru, we take a break,

we take tea or coffee and then we move forward.

If there is some construction work going on, we take

a little detour and we reach to our destination.

So all these, all these adjustment we make

while we are making progress to our destination.

So that's the mindset we should be having.

It is the same thing in our life as well.

We are going to reach to a destination

and conditions are never going to be ideal.

Things are always work in progress.

Something or the other thing

will always come in between.

So do not wait for the ideal condition.

You want to start on something,

you need to start right now.

So how you can deal with this.

So number one thing is focus on progress.

You can start right now.

And over time, you just need to

see how far you have come.

Instead of looking at that, I have to be there.

I need it to be there.

Instead of that, just look at how far you have come.

Maybe you have not reached your destination yet.

Maybe your six months plan or one year

plan has not quite worked out very well.

But still, you have made some progress.

And if you have not made some progress,

at least you have made some mistakes.

Now you have some learning from those mistakes. Yeah.

So focus on progress.

Learn from your mistakes.

Learn from your setbacks.

Make those mistakes and setbacks your stepping stone.

And every time there is a small win, even if

there is a big win, it's good to celebrate.

Even if there is a small win, celebrate that win.

Because if you are a 25 plus year old person and if

you look back in your life, you will find hardly 25 30

events that you can call as a very big win, right?

And this is how more or less with everyone,

every common folk, right, unless you are some very

dramatic person who has won every single olympic medal.

So if you look back in your life, you can

say that there are 25, 30 or 50 moments you

can call that it was a big win for you.

So in 25 years of life, you have 50 moments,

like one moment in six months on an average.

So if you just keep on waiting for those

big moments to celebrate, you are postponing your celebration.

Also, you are giving a signal to your subconscious mind

that in your life there is nothing celebration worthy.

Because you are thinking of those

big moments when they will come.

Then you will celebrate.

So it means the things that are there

right now, the progress that you are making

right now, every milestone that you have covered

right now, is not celebration worthy.

And because it is not celebration worthy, your subconscious mind

starts thinking that you are not making progress or you

are losing on things, that you are a loser.

And slowly that mentality see keeps in.

And slowly you will have less

and less moments to celebrate.

Less and less achievement to celebrate.

It is always good to celebrate your small win.

So this is how you deal

with this harsh reality of life.

That perfection is not possible.

Perfection is not possible for multiple

reasons, for variety of reasons.

We will get into those reasons some other time.

But for now we will accept this

truth that perfection is not possible.

And there is a way to deal

with that, is to focus on progress.

Celebrating small wins and learning from mistakes.

Making the setbacks, your stepping stone.

All right, so the next thing that is a

harsh reality of life is time is limited.

We all are going to die.

We are here on this earth for a limited period of time.

But if we are in our twenties or

thirties, most of us live like that.

We are never going to die.

We are here for time immemorial and

we are going to live for eternity.

And we do not. Because.

Because we are in our prime years, we are

progressing, our health is getting better, so we do

not have this concepts in our mind that our

bodies are progressing somehow towards death.

And once it gets, it starts deteriorating, deteriorating that

time, then we start to realize that, okay, our

time is finite, but it is better.

It is better that we realize this thing sooner, that

our time is limited, so that we stop wasting our

time on silly things and not meaningful things.

We can prioritize things and we can

spend time on more meaningful things.

So how can you deal with this?

You need to prioritize your time.

First of all, you need to accept this

fact that we are a mortal being.

Our time is limited on this planet.

So we need to prioritize that what we want

to leave behind as a legacy of ours, we

need to identify our own cells, that what are

the values that we are going to live for.

So according to that, according to those values, we need

to prioritize the things that we are going to do.

The things that matter matters to us the most.

Okay, so that's the first thing that you need to do.

Second thing is that you need to manage

this finite resource called time very skillfully. How?

By cutting down on distractions.

This Internet thing, this mobile is a big,

big distraction nowadays and it is a very

useful tool at the same time.

But use it as a tool, don't become the product

and don't make this Internet thing run your life.

Use Internet in your life.

Don't make this your life.

So cut down on distractions.

The Internet is not the only distraction.

There can be multiple other distraction in your life.

You need to find out those distraction, whichever

is not your priority is a distraction.

Whichever is not your priority.

Plus whichever is not a necessity is your distraction.

So cut down on distraction and automate things.

Nowadays, technology is very advanced.

You can automate many, many things.

So whatever you can automate, automate

those things and save your time.

And wherever possible, you can outsource the things that you have

to do manually so that you can save on time.

So that's how you manage your time.

The third thing that you need to do is

mindfully spend your time, be mindful of where you

are spending your time and look for alternative.

So the first two things which I talked about prioritize and

manage is for the things that you have in hand.

Till today, tomorrow, if there is a new thing

that you are going to take in your hand,

just be mindful whether it is aligning with your

priorities, whether it is aligning with your values.

If not, look for some alternative.

If it is very necessity, then try to find out how

you can automate it or how you can outsource it.


That's how you manage your time.

That's how you deal with this reality.

The time is limited and in this limited

time you need to leave a legacy behind. Okay? All right.

And before I move forward, I have a

very special request to all of you.

I'm sure you guys are

enjoying this content, this discussion.

And if you are enjoying and if you want

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then if you are listening this on iTunes and

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So please rate this podcast up to five star

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I am open to hear to that as well.

So that was the special request.

Now let's move forward to the rest of the episode.

Third thing is, you will experience loss.

It's a harsh reality of life.

Everyone of us are going to feel are

going to experience this notion called loss.

We will lose our loved ones.

We will lose many opportunities.

We will lose the things that we care about.

It is a part of life.

There is no life without it.

Because as we tackled the last harsh

reality of life is, time is limited.

Because everything that is there

in this planet is mortal.

It is having a life.

And their life, whether it's a thing or

a person or any movement or any emotion,

their life is different from our life.

So let's say our parents, and if we

talk about normal course of time, let's say

that everybody is living to 100 years, then

our parents will die sooner than us, right?

So we are going to lose them at some point

in time, no matter how much we love them.

It's the harsh reality that we are going to lose them.

And it is similar to other people

as well, to whom you love.

And it is similar to opportunities.

Sometimes there will be some other decisions that you will

have to take and you need to lose on opportunities.

And sometimes you will not be able to figure out that

there is an opportunity and you will lose on that.

So it's a harsh reality that you will experience loss.

How you are going to deal with this?

First of all, we need to acknowledge

that this is going to happen.

Second thing you need to acknowledge that is

that you need to acknowledge your feeling.

You need to allow yourself to grieve.

It is okay to be sad.

It is okay to not be okay in that particular time.

Allow yourself some time out from this

life and allow yourself to grieve.

Allow your emotions to flow.

Give them a safe space so that they can

flow in whichever form they want to flow. Okay?

If you want to write about it, you want to talk

about it, you want to cry about it, it's okay.

You are a human and you are

allowed to feel all those emotions.

And if you are not expressing those emotions

and if you are not allowing yourself to

express those feelings, they will be expressed in

some other way which you do not want. They will.

They might manifest in some other form of disease.

They might manifest in some of other form of irritation,

anxiety or fear, or, I don't know, in which form. Right?

So they might hold you back, they might hold

your progress back, and they might have make you

sick as well, physically and mentally, both.

So it's very important that you acknowledge

your feeling and then shift your focus.

See, it will come only when you will

accept this fact that loss is inevitable. Then you.

Then, once you have accepted, then you need to shift

your focus on the memories of the person, on the

lessons that you have learned from that lost, the legacies

that the other person or the thing or the event

has left on you, at least, and how you are

going to honor all those things.

You need to focus on those things which is

left, which is right now in this moment. What is.

What has gone is gone.

Whatever has happened has happened.

It's not going to change whatever is there

in this present moment, you can focus on

that, which is memories, lessons and.

And legacies and how you are going to honor

them, how you are going to carry them forward. Right?

So this is how you deal with loss. Okay?

So the next thing is

your happiness is your responsibility.

The other harsh truth of life that no one else, no

one else in this world, not your parents, not your kids,

not your spouse, is going to make you happy.

You need to make yourself happy.

They meaning your parents, your kids, or

your spouse, your friends, other people, they

can add to your happiness.

They can add few feathers in your cap,

but you are responsible for your own happiness.

And how do you find that happiness?

First of all, you need to identify your inner self.

You need to identify your own values, your

core belief systems, and you need to then

set goals according to your inner self.

And once you have set the goals, then take ownership of

your emotions and actions, how you are going to feel about

it, how you are going, what all the actions that you

are going to take to fulfill those goals.

Remember, it's not written on stone.

And as the time changes, as the

time passes, these things can be amended.

These things can be changed.

So for that, you need to practice.

This is the third step that

you need to practice positivity.

You need to practice gratitude.

You need to practice acceptance.

You need to practice letting go and forgiveness so

that you can move forward, you can grow better.

So this is how you make yourself happy.

And your happiness is your responsibility.

Nobody knows you the way you know yourself.

Nobody knows your own inner self, right?

So it's not their responsibility.

Even if they take the responsibility that they.

They want to make you happy.

It's not in their control.

It's only you who can control this.

It's only your choices.

It is only your ownership of your emotions

and action that can make you happy.

It is only your practices of positivity in your

life, like gratitude, acceptance, letting go and forgiveness.

These practices are going to make you happy.

It is only your progress towards your own

goals that you have set according to your

own inner self that can make you happy.

So it is not in the power, it is

not in the control of anyone else in this

world make you happy, even if they want to.

So that is why you have to

take the responsibility of your happiness.

So that's another harsh reality that nobody else, no one else

in this whole planet is going to make you happy.

They cannot.

It's not in their power. Simply put.

All right, so the last thing is that you

will have to make tough decisions in life.

You will have to choose between two good options.

There will be time when you will have to choose

between two good option, not between good and bad.

That's easy.

Choosing good is easy over the bad thing, alright?

But choosing one good option over the

other, equally good option, that's tough.

And no matter what you are doing, no matter

in which field you are, one day or sometime,

you will have to make such kind of decisions.

So you need to be prepared to

deal with this kind of situation.

What you need to do in this situation is you need

to weigh all your options and you need to check in

which option maximum of your core values are being reflected.

In which option maximum of your

inner self is being expressed.

You need to choose that option.

See, nobody knows the future.

Nobody knows how you are going to feel

about this choice in the future, okay?

Because we have not lived the future, what we can

do is we can best assess the current situation.

We can best assess the current options that we have

available options and we can choose the one which is

likely to make you feel good in the future, right?

Whether it will really make you feel good or

it will not, that only time will tell.

Nobody can tell.

Only thing you can do is you can see that, okay?

In this option, my inner self is going to

be reflected and expressed in a better way.

So I'm going to choose this one.

Maybe it will turn out to be a bad decision, but

this is what you can do in this current situation.

Also what you can do is

listen to your intuitions, okay?

And if you are not habitual of listening to

your intuition in this particular time, there will be

too much of mind chatter that it will be

near to impossible to listen to your intuition.

So in this case, what you need to do is

you need to sit down, take a piece of pen

and paper or computer notepad is also equally good.

And write down things to make thoughts settle down.

Write down all the thoughts that are coming to

your mind, write down all the thoughts related to

each options and write down as much as possible.

Because after initial two, three sentences, then

real thoughts from the bottom of your

heart starts to come up, okay?

So you need to write down.

And once you will write down, write enough.

Then you will start understanding

what your heart really wants.

And if you are taking any decision based on some desire

that is of mind desiree, not your heart desire, okay?

So you need to write down and

you need to listen to your heart.

And the third thing, which is the most important thing, no

matter what you are going to choose, you need to be

prepared to live with the consequences you need to be prepared

to live with the consequences of your choice that you have

chosen right now, and also with the consequences of the thing

that you have not chosen right now.

Because in future there might be people or

you yourself might be asking yourself that, why

did not I choose the other option?

And it's very common, you need to be prepared to

live with the consequences of your choice and the choosing.

The option that you have chosen and

the option that you have not chosen.

Choosing is in your hand.

Choice is in your hand.

You can choose things right now.

Consequences, they are not in your hand.

So only thing that you can do is you

can be prepared that no matter what the consequences

are going to come, you are going to brave

them, you are going to stand them.

That's the decision, that's the resolution that you

need to make to yourself, and that's how

you will be able and that's how you

will be prepared to live with the consequences.

So that was the last thing that you will

have to make tough decisions sometime in your life.

All right, so that was the end of the topic of the day.

But before I end this episode, I have this

announcement that I have this invitation to all of

you that please come and join Holistic Happiness Club.

Becoming a member of holistic Happiness Club is free.

There are weekly free sessions available to all of

you that you can make use of, right?

So please become a member of holistic Happiness Club.

You can become the member of Holistic Happiness Club by

following the link which is given in the description.

Also, I have written an ebook.

The name of the ebook is the happiness blueprint.

Practical stress strategies for a fulfilled life.

It's a pocket size ebook full of practical, actionable steps

that you can take right now and apply in your

life right now and start feeling the change.

Start seeing the change right now.

Alright, so to download this ebook, you can go

to the link which is given in the description

again and you can download this ebook also.

If you want to connect with me on a one to one basis.

If you want to discuss your roadblocks to

your success and happiness, and you want to

devise your own happiness blueprint, personalized, tailored happiness

blueprint, then you can connect me connect with

me on a one to one basis.

Linked to join a link to schedule that one

to one meeting is also given in the description.

You can follow that link and connect with

me on a one to one basis.

If you want to connect with me on

social media then you can connect me with

me on Instagram, LinkedIn, Facebook, anywhere.

But Instagram is the place because

I am most active on Instagram.

Happiness architect is my Instagram handle.

You can reach out to me over there.

Also if you want to know more about me and

holistic happiness club you can visit this website akshaytiwari.in

there you will find more information about me.

Alright so this is the end of the episode.

Till the time we are not see

we are seeing each other again.

Take care of yourself.

Take care of the loved ones you have.

Then take care of the people around you as well.

And always remember, happiness is a lifestyle.

God bless you. Bye bye. Peace.